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Let's get uncomfortable.

50% of first-time foster parents quit in their first year of fostering-

and I don't blame them.

The amount of trauma that children have endured before entering care is substantial-

just to be moved elsewhere.

I'm on a mission to retain foster parents.

I'm Jacqueline

My husband & I have been fostering since 2020 & have three biological children.

We had all these promises of a village before we became foster parents. Then we had minimal involvement form that "village" when it came time to needing them. We quickly became burnt out due to not having an appropriate foundation prior to getting placements. Despite completing our required training hours, fostering effected our day-to-day life and how our household ran.

Now, we find comfort, connection and even joy in chaos. We have two beds for children in foster care (currently full) & we consistently accept respite to help other foster homes have a break.

I am creating an app called FOSTER TOGETHER, to provide foster parents with a step-to-step program on how to create the foundation for fostering. This app will include a community, the Foster Foundation, education and live calls to come together as a village on with new speakers- all at their fingertips.

I am currently looking for founding members to have the first access to the Foster Foundation how-to program.

Join me. Click the button below to apply.

With Strength,


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